Trauma entered my life from the day I was born. The man who promised to always love & care for my mother left her soon as he got the news she was pregnant.

My mother raised me on her own & sacrificed so much; she always did her best to give me a good life. I’m forever grateful.

There were so many heartaches, tears & disappointments.

My mother met & married my first stepfather when I was still a baby. During that marriage, I was sexually abused starting at the age of 5 & physically abused as I grew up into a young teenager.

That marriage ended but left my mother with a severely broken heart. She fell into a deep depression; she couldn’t believe this had happened & her trust was betrayed. She felt so hurt because even after years of working hard and giving all her time and heart to her family, this man would commit such a sinful act.

My mother remarried, and I again saw my mother begin to smile. Then life turned again, he was also not an honest man who betrayed myself and my mother’s respect and trust. I was deeply devastated; again my world tore apart when finally I thought my family had finally found happiness and safety.

I then found myself in a toxic marriage. I separated myself from this marriage, and ended up being a single mother in my early 20’s, while also finding myself in toxic relationships afterwards. I felt my relationships were full of empty, meaningless arguments, and consistent partying. I felt so alone, was not able to speak out on how I was feeling – this was especially difficult because my gut was telling me that how I was feeling was not right. I was a consistent pleaser to keep the peace and had a fear of not being liked if I disagreed on something. I was cheated on and deceitful things continued to unfold within my life. I was so exhausted by the chaos.

I developed lots of insecurities, carried hate in my heart and had very low self-love which attracted toxic people who sensed my weakness and influenced me making unhealthy choices which lead to smoking, drugs, drinking and always partying on weekends. At the time I knew no better. I listened to those who were much older than me, thinking at the time it would give me that fulfilment I was craving; to love, care & feel safe.

The emptiness and pain did not stop there…

I experienced a mini-stroke all on one side of my body just before I had my daughter, I was in a deep depression for a good 2 weeks, could not get out of bed just tears kept falling down my face I couldn’t get the strength to speak out for help. One of the deepest darkest choices I made was to take my own life. God did not want me gone. I survived it.

I felt I had no purpose. When I had my daughter at the age of 21, I knew I had to stay.

Finally one day I made the CHOICE. The greatest success I had made for myself & my daughter for the last 8 years I have been focussing on building on SELF – LOVE discipline, awareness and daily consciousness.

Today, I am a very proud mother of a smart & empowering daughter, she is studying to be a chemical engineer & working a casual job earning her own money. Having a strong faith, I never stopped believing I was worthy of a successful, abundance & healthy lifestyle. This is what got me through all my experiences. Consistently choosing good & healthy choices lead me to my life today. I did not stop believing in a vision so big with meaning, I wanted to create a life for myself & those I love around me that meant a good purpose.

Speaking honestly, I once used my traumas in the past as excuses to cover my bad habits. Looking back, doing this was the worst choice I ever made.

I have now realised all my experiences were meant to happen for a great purpose; to help and encourage all those who are going through the same or similar experiences, needing encouragement and guidance to not go down the wrong path. I’m blessed I had the strength to overcome it all and be the resilient person I am today.

I believe it’s important not to play the victim because it only causes you to vibrate negative energy which will attract unhealthy people and habits. Be conscious daily with every small or big choice you make because it will be the path you lead for you & your loved ones.

That’s why I am so proud & grateful for the experiences I have received it has lead me to where I am today. I have found my PURPOSE to serve others as a coach, sharing my life experiences to help and encourage others to not make the same mistakes. It is important to have SELF LOVE to build the habits of CONSCIOUSNESS.

You CAN empower yourself through fitness.

It transformed my life dramatically.

I am now living a blessed life. I feel empowered. I am grateful for where I am today and walk through life with strong values & worth. I am a woman with great direction & standards.





  • 2014


    3rd Place Figure Athlete
  • 2016


    1st Place in Division 1st Place in Over All Line-Up (Top Athletes Winning 1st in Figure Divisions) Pro Card Winner
  • 2019


    Competition against best athletes all around the world who won their pro card. Placed Top 5 - 5th Place (From 12 competitors)
  • 2020


    1st Place


Qualified Personal Trainer – Certificate 3 & 4
Meal Plan Advice
Working With Children Fitness
Group Fitness
1/1 Personal Training
Group Challenges
Personal Growth
Fitness Challenges
Online Coaching